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Tips to Become a Chess Champ

chess position tips

Chess, the game or sports, which has been considered a “nerd game” for a very long time, represents now a sign of prestige, intelligence and a swift mind. If you want to be or become the next Bobby Fisher, you will have to work on that. Chess requires a unique approach, calculation and accurate prediction, as well as careful thinking; it is like a brain game. If you started playing chess and would like to improve your game, you have to be patient enough to master some of the techniques and skills which chess requires. Here are some tips which can be very helpful to master the brain game to the fullest.

A great chess player knows the moves. Each chess piece has its own rules regarding the directions in which they move. Use the 64 squares wisely to dominate the game against your opponent. The King is the chess piece that should be protected, and the goal is to checkmate your opponent's king before they checkmate you. The king is the most limited since it can move only per one square when it is your turn. On the other hand, the Queen is the holder of power in a chess game, given that you can make the most moves with a Queen-diagonally, straight forward, sideways, and backward as far as it wants.

The Bishop is the figure which moves diagonally as far as it wants, and when your both Bishops join forces, you can easily make your opponent sweat.

The Knight has a particular moving style, also called the L-shaped move, whereby it moves two squares in one direction and the third moves for 90 degrees. The Knight can jump over or move over other chess pieces, which others cannot.

The two Rooks are the outer watch dogs, each at the end square which can move straightforward, back, and sideways. The pawns are like the little army in the front, which move one square per time and capture diagonally. When opening the game, the pawns can make two steps for the first time.

The Pawn as the Ice-breaker

The opening move is always opened with a pawn in order to, and it is common knowledge to start with the pawn in front of the king or Queen.

Make The Chess Club Your Home

After you have mastered the moves and learned how to play, a chess club is good option to acquire some experience by playing against other people. That is the perfect opportunity to learn right on the spot. Once you encounter a tough opponent, you can start thinking about your moves and their consequences, which will improve you in the future.

Do Not Sacrifice More Valuable Pieces For The Less Valuable Ones

The pieces have their own values, but it is not just a matter of points. For example, a Bishop and a Knight are one of the crucial pieces, and you should try to keep them as long as possible. It makes no sense to trade a Knight (3 points) for a Rook, even if the Rook is worth five points. You have to think in advance, and a Knight is more powerful and can benefit you later more, than maybe a Rook. So, your strategy should be based on prioritizing powerful pieces instead of points.

The Strategic Pawns Movement

Even if pawns usually open the game, always try to keep enough pawns around the king. They are the pieces that could save your king from being captured at the end. Too much movement of the pawns can leave the King unprotected, and your opponent could easily seize the moment to capture it.

The Golden Middle

Chess players can be roughly classified into two categories, the ones with a strong defense who rarely attack, and the ones who attack too aggressively leaving too much room around their castle (King). Many people prefer attacking, but it is far more difficult to build up a defense. Still, neither approach is a 100% guarantee, so you have to find a middle-way between the two. Experience will teach you when to apply which strategy.

A Strong Opponent

Do not flatter yourself when you beat someone weaker than yourself, but rather focus on the stronger chess players in order to improve your game. They can be a valid benchmark, and if you cannot beat them, you have to try until you figured out how to develop a better strategy than your opponent.

Chess Tournaments

The best place to meet stronger opponents is to mingle with other chess players, ideally at a chess tournament. Sign up as a contestant for fun, without pressure. Do not think about rankings, points, opponents, just focus on your game and try to have fun.

Educate yourself on matters of chess

There are many brilliant books on chess and the strategies, so it would be a good idea to go through a few of them to see what else is out here in the chess world. Expand your horizon; maybe you come across something you were not aware of so far.

Strong pawn strategies

Important information about chess is that each piece has its own strengths and that neither of them should be neglected, as many amateur players tend to minimize the importance of pawns. Pawns are the first line of defense, and they cannot move backward, but if you manage to get them to the end of the board, i.e. into the opponent’s zone, then, your pawn gets promoted into any chess piece of your choice. You can promote it to a Queen which would enable the pawn to move like a Queen in all directions. Some people play chess by exchanging the pawn at the end for a captured piece, but that is simply a misconception and not an actual chess rule. You can also always keep one pawn behind the other to serve as protection of the first one. If your opponent captures the first one, your protective pawn will capture that piece in exchange.


You can only get out of a check (i.e. save your king from a checkmate) is by blocking passage with one of the other pieces, capture the attacking piece, or move out of the way which often turns into a back and forth game. Keep in mind that it all comes down to protect the king, so leave enough pieces for the dreadful moment.