The origins of chess are not known. However, it is believed that this game evolved from other similar games played almost two thousand years ago. The chess we know today was developed in the 15th century. From that period chess became popular in Europe first and then around the world.
How the Pieces Move
There are six different kinds of pieces, and they all move in a different way. They are not allowed to move through other pieces. However, Knight can jump over them because of its specific movement. Also, they can move onto a square with opponent pieces, but never with their own pieces. Therefore, pieces are able to capture enemy pieces, which is a chance to attack the opponent, defend their own pieces and control the important files and ranks.
The King is only capable of moving one square at a time in any direction, which makes it the weakest piece. However, it is the most important piece, which is usually inactive and best protected for the most of the game.
The Queen, on the other hand, is most powerful. You can move it in any straight direction as far as you want.
The Rook can also move as far as the Queen. However, it is not able to move through diagonals, but only through the ranks and files.
Unlike the Rook, the Bishop moves only diagonally. Both players have one Bishop that starts and travels on light squares, while other starts and travels on dark squares.
The Knight has a particular move. They can only jump three squares in a shape of L, for instance, one square forward and then two on a side, or two squares on a side and one backward.
Pawns are curious since they move only forward but capture a piece diagonally. They can only move one square at a time. However, in the first time move Pawn can go two squares. Pawns can only capture one square diagonally in front of them.
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